About the Tall site
The tallest people have always held universal fascination,
and our own interest developed into a more serious project
during the 1990s, before publication in 2006
in the form of a series of Google blogs.
The decision to publish was driven partly by frustration,
given that other tall people listings were citing established
but often exaggerated height claims,
normally with misspellings, non-inclusion of known tall people,
limited photographic accompaniment, dead hyperlinks,
and lack of or erroneous essential biographical data
(full name (plus aliases and alternative spellings), place of birth,
date of birth/death, hyperlinks, references in literature).
Each of the thousands of entries published
or awaiting publication in the project
has been well researched as part of a 15-year study,
in which is presented evidence-based height data,
rather than traditionally quoted exaggerations.
The aim of the project is the attainment of true and full facts
in compiling the most comprehensive body of work
ever published on the subject of the world’s tallest people.
Key to publication of the project in Google blog format
was the webmaster’s facility to create an infinite number of blogs.
However, in the late summer of 2008,
when the series had subcategorised into some 800 blogs,
Google introduced blog capping, and we had reached that limit.
We were no longer able to expand the series into further blogs.
In addition to Google’s blog capping policy,
it had become awkward to administrate the project in blog format,
and a decision was taken to consolidate into a single website.
At the minimum rate of 10 hours’ working input every day,
our extensive archives are being transferred to the new website,
while continued daily research is enhancing the project’s status
as a reliable work of reference.
Furthermore, should the project generate the income,
we would then be in a position to permanently allocate
to its compilation some 70+ hours’ working input per week,
while sufficient resources would exist to build up a library
of subject-related literature unavailable on the ‘net,
such that the project may approach definitive status.
Please note:
the subscription fee is a one-off payment,
which means you would be a lifetime member of the Tall site.
With 70+ hours per week assured for the project,
a priority would be the compilation of more biographies,
which time-consuming research is beyond our present remit.
Our "Index of Giants" constitutes an encyclopaedic scale listing,
with hyperlinks for every entry in the index a great starting point
for navigation through the project’s many subcategories.
Although we have a scientific approach to the project’s research,
we enjoy augmenting fascination with fun categories,
including "Giants and Dwarfs" and "Greatest Height Differentials".
In the interests of expanding and improving the project,
as well as data verification and refinement,
we welcome comments and suggestions, which may be e-mailed:
(note: in order to address an aforementioned frustration,
we would particularly wish to learn of dead hyperlinks)
At the discretion of the Administrators,
free membership of the Tall site may be granted
to significant contributors to the project’s ongoing compilation.
We hope you enjoy visiting our new website,
and seeing the project build into a truly engrossing body of work.

Giants and Girls